Are all rugs carpets but not all carpets rugs?

Rugs and carpets are a very important part of decoration and therefore are used in most homes nowadays. Used on floors or walls carpets or rugs can change the look of your house, and thereby create a positive impression on others. What are rugs and carpets in reality? Both of them are basic woven materials- be they machine-made or hand-made. With colorful designs, carpets and rugs can be found in different shapes according to your requirements. Carpets can be found in several homes nowadays, thereby making them a highly demanded element whenever it comes to decorations. Both rugs and carpets are usually generalized to be the same thing, but actually, that's not true. Technically, rugs and carpets are not similar although they do have some similarities. But because of the differences and properties, one may wonder " are all rugs carpets but not all carpets rugs? ". While it might sound confusing, it is also completely true. So, while Carpets are floor coverings, they...